Customer Code of Conduct

Mutual respect makes it possible for everyone to enjoy the library. We appreciate your respect for staff, each other and the buildings you visit.

The Library Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing the rules for public behavior in the library that are necessary to:

  • Promote a safe environment for library customers, employees and volunteers
  • Protect the rights of individuals to use library material, facilities, services and websites
  • Create an environment that is conducive for library employees and volunteers to conduct library business without interference
  • Encourage the use of buildings, materials, services and websites by the greatest number of individuals
  • Safeguard library property and facilities from harm

Library staff are required to bring to an individual’s attention any act which violates these rules. The individual will be asked to change the problem behavior to conform to the rules. If such change is not made, that individual will be asked to leave library property. Failure to leave if asked may result in the police being called and a possible charge of criminal trespass.

The following behaviors are prohibited by the Code of Conduct:

Appropriate Attire
  • Improper dress, including bare feet and no shirt.
  • Offensive odor.
Personal Space & Belongings
  • Storing personal belongings on library property, including leaving personal
    belongings unattended.
  • Leaving children under age 7 unattended.
  • Insufficient supervision of children resulting in acts disruptive to customers and staff.
Use of the Library Premises
  • Consuming food or beverages (in type or quantity) that are disruptive or damaging because of odor, waste or spills or eating or drinking outside of designated areas.
  • Eating at public computers.
  • Bringing animals, other than service animals, into the library.
  • Sleeping, if age 7 or older.
  • Monopolizing/obstructing space, seating, tables or equipment, including restrooms.
  • Improper use of furniture, equipment or materials.
  • Distributing/posting unauthorized printed materials. (Materials must be submitted to and approved by CML staff prior to posting or distribution.)
  • Personal grooming such as bathing, shaving or washing clothes on library property.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco or vaping in non-designated areas.
  • Unreasonable noise including loud talking, singing, boisterous activity/cell phone use, or loud headphones or speakers.
  • Profane, obscene or abusive language.
  • Running, pushing, rough play or other disruptive physical activity.
Illegal Activity
  • Unwelcome conduct and/or unwelcome comments of a romantic or sexual nature, including but not limited to, references to a person’s body or physical appearance, as well as requests for dates or personal information.  
  • Engaging in or soliciting any sexual act. Indecent exposure.
  • Use of the internet for unlawful purposes as defined by federal, state and local laws.
  • Failure to comply with applicable health and safety regulations as mandated or recommended by federal, state or local health officials.
  • Intentionally damaging or destroying property belonging to CML, another customer or staff.
  • Possessing weapons or replicas of firearms, dangerous ordnance, explosive devices (including fireworks) or other items that a reasonable person would consider to be dangerous to themselves or others in a public library environment, excluding knives.
  • Brandishing or using knives or other items in an unsafe manner that could reasonably result in personal injury or property damage.
  • Trespassing, including refusing to leave library property when asked.
  • Theft of personal or library property.
  • Inducing panic, including making false 911 or emergency calls.
  • Harassing or threatening customers or staff. Repeated or severe behavior and/or comments that are unwelcome, intimidating, hostile, offensive or threatening. Acts, statements, jibes, jokes, images or epithets which may reasonably create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
  • Possessing or using drugs or alcohol.
  • Actively distributing drugs or alcohol.
  • Public urination.
  • Fighting, physical abuse or assault.
  • Gambling, panhandling or soliciting money, goods or services.
  • Other acts disruptive to customers and/or staff.

Includes all general acts deemed disruptive to customers and/or staff.