Contact the Business Librarian

LivePlan is a subscription business planning resource available to library customers, for a four-week time period. During this time, you will have access to all the LivePlan resources needed to create your business plan. At the end of the four-week period, you can download your plan for future reference.

At times, there may be a waiting list for LivePlan. If there is a waiting list, the librarian will let you know when it will be available and provide other resources to help you develop your plan in the meantime.

If you access LivePlan and do not use the resource within two weeks, the business librarian may contact you to determine if you still need access.

Before using LivePlan, our librarians recommend that business customers do basic industry research and complete a simple Lean Canvas Business Model. New nonprofits are asked to complete a Nonprofit Startup Assessment.

If you need support to complete this research, please contact our business librarian at We are happy to help.