Columbus Metropolitan Library
Friends of the Library
Big Book Sales
Big Book Sales are a favorite Friends of the Library event—held twice a year—to give items withdrawn from the library’s collection a second chance at a well-read life. Revenue earned from the sales support library programs and services and help fund future library levy campaigns.
Friends of the Library members get early access to Big Book Sales and receive 10% off their purchases.
When is the Big Book Sale?
Auditorium | 96 S. Grant Ave.
Thursday, March 13 | 4-7 p.m. Members only preview sale
Friday, March 14 | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Open to All
Saturday, March 15 | 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Open to All
Sunday, March 16 | 1-4 p.m. Open to All Bag Sale
Contact us at (614) 849-1056 or email us using the form below.
Bring a sturdy bag to fill for $5. Proud supporters can purchase a Friends of the Library canvas tote and stock up for $8.50.
Children’s Books start at $1
Comic Books start at $1
Vinyl Records start at $1
Adult Fiction & Nonfiction Books start at $2
DVDs, CDs & Audiobooks start at $3
All sale transactions are limited to $400 per household or membership.
July 12-13
Interested in Volunteering?
Yes! We love volunteers. Big Book Sale volunteers help us contribute even more to the library. Volunteering is a great way to learn more about Friends of the Library and connect with other Friends members and library supporters.
Volunteer responsibilities vary and may include pre-sorting materials at the library’s operations center; unpacking, organizing and stocking sale tables, and helping pre-count items in the checkout line. More details are available on the sign-up sheet.
First, you get the satisfaction and good feeling of volunteering your time to support Friends of the Library and Columbus Metropolitan Library. Second, (just in case you need a little extra nudge), volunteers get early access to materials. Third (for the extra thrifty among you), volunteers receive one free book per shift and we encourage you to volunteer for multiple shifts.
All book sale volunteers must complete Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Volunteer Application form. When filling out the application select “Circulation” under How I Want to Help and “Big Book Sales” under Location Preference. Please note that background checks are required to volunteer.
Contact the Friends of the Library at (614) 849-1056 or email us using the form below.
Contact the Library Store
Friends of the Library is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization.
96 S. Grant Ave. | Columbus, Ohio 43215