Exploring Race in Society

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Contains journals and essays on how current issues stem from past actions and policies.
Designed for high school and undergraduate students, Exploring Race in Society contains scholarly journals and essays that provide a deeper understanding of how current issues stem from past actions and policies. Each topic includes an overview article and three essays suggesting potential solutions. Solutions essays are written by a diverse group of writers representing the fields of academia, journalism, medicine and other disciplines working to address issues related to race.
Millions of records and free how-to resources from the Latter Day Saints.
Search and browse over 50,000 bestselling fiction authors, with the latest books and series information.
Information on federal inmates from 1982 to the present.
Information on active and inactive stocks, including obsolete securities. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY.
FII Online provides users easy access to current and historical information on corporate activity affecting publicly traded stocks.
One of the best sites for locating cemeteries and finding where our ancestors are buried.
Billions of genealogy records from around the world.
Discover your family’s past through millions of military and genealogical records.
Fold3 is a premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America’s military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents. It contains millions of records from world-class archives--many of which are exclusively available on Fold3.
Information on over 92,000 foundations and 1.3 million grants. IN MAIN LIBRARY USE ONLY.
Foundation Directory Online helps grant-seekers find funding for their projects and ideas. Data is compiled from IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF, grantmaker websites, annual reports, printed application guidelines, the philanthropic press, and various other sources to give users a comprehensive look at potential sources of funding.
Lists job openings by county agency.
Programs, pioneer families, lineage societies and interest groups for Franklin County genealogy.
Central Ohio cemetery histories, burial indexes and gravestone photographs.
Solve common legal problems with this comprehensive library of legal forms.
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Research authors and their literature through biographies, reviews, analysis and criticism.
Gale Literature combines several high-quality databases and an intuitive interface to help users find literary content. Search thousands of literary criticism articles, poems, biographies and more.
Records, photographs and other digitized items relating to Columbus and Ohio genealogy.
The Genealogy Collection contains materials that relate to Ohio and its citizens. Included are names of people who lived in Columbus and Ohio.
Offers more than 300 topics, from Microsoft Office and email to reading, math, and more.
Build your resume with step-by-step writing guides and context-sensitive writing tips (email address required).
Free online access to official documents produced by the Federal Government.
Find local information on workshops, grants, events, and other artist-related info.
Research nonprofit organizations, including finances, programs, and more. IN MAIN LIBRARY USE ONLY.
This resource supports nonprofits in your community by identifying local organizations or agencies where you can donate, work, or volunteer. As well as help those in need find resources they rely on, such as food banks or shelters.
Showing 21 of 184 total resources. Use the links below to navigate through each page.
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