Health and Medical Databases

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Full-text articles or abstracts from a variety of medical journals and health publications.
Health and Medical Databases provides access to Alt HealthWatch, MEDLINE, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, and Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection databases through the EBSCOhost search interface. The resource also features a quick image search function and a medical dictionary.
Health education resources in multiple languages.
Reference library of eBooks on a wide variety of health and wellness topics.
Health Reference Library provides access to a number of full-text, health related ebooks hosted by Gale. All titles can be read online and many allow users to download, share, link and print chapters.
Find health coverage and learn about the Affordable Care Act.
Online homework help, including tutoring, writing assistance and test prep. We recommend Chrome or Firefox.
HelpNow provides an impressive suite of resources and services to help students accomplish their schoolwork. Live online tutoring in a variety of subjects is available 2:00 - 11:00 PM each day and is available in Spanish for many subjects. The resource also provides lessons, videos, practice tests and more.
Comprehensive mix of resources, records and tools geared to African American genealogy.
HeritageQuest is an award winning resource that allows users to search census records, books, serials, maps and other historical records to trace your genealogy. Records are included for 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s.
Discover the experience and impact of Hispanic Americans in the news media.
Hispanic Life in America is a digital archive of primary source documents related to Hispanic American life. This collection is sourced from more than 17,000 global media outlets, including over 700 Spanish-language or bilingual publications, dating from 1704 to today.
Provides detailed “how-to” instructions and creative ideas for virtually every hobby enthusiast.
Hobbies and Crafts Source provides full-text articles from leading hobby and craft magazines to satisfy hobby enthusiasts. Content Includes: Full text for nearly 2,000 magazines and books, 720+ videos, 180+ hobby profiles, and 10,000+ recipes.
Provides detailed “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects.
Home Improvement Source features full-text content from leading home improvement magazines and videos of popular home repair projects. Content Includes: 130+ full-text reference books, 40+ full-text magazines and trade publications, 35,000+ images not available anywhere else online, and nearly 100 videos of popular home repair projects.
Quickly create your resume with Indeed’s guided free resume builder.
Records, tools and resources for learning about Jewish genealogy.
Online job assistance, including professional resume review and interview preparation. We recommend Chrome or Firefox.
JobNow provides live job assistance daily from 2pm - 11pm. The resource also includes helpful features like career assessments, nationwide and local job search engines, and award-winning resume creator software.
Stream classic cinema, indie films and documentaries.
Kanopy features over 30,000 movies and documentaries including the Criterion Collection, PBS, Green Planet and many more. View on your PC or use the Kanopy app on mobile devices or cast content via Chromecast, Apple TV or Roku. Kanopy also offers the Kanopy Kids collection for younger library users.
Database covering essential library and information science journals, includes full text and abstracts.
Digitized documents, photographs and other items relating to United States history.
Access online classes about managing a nonprofit organization.
Access online courses from experts on business, web, job searching, photography and more.
Formerly, LinkedIn Learning for Library features 16,000+ professional courses from experts on a wide range of topics. Users can earn certificates which can be posted to their LinkedIn profiles for potential employers. Learn skills you need to succeed in your current role or take your first steps toward something new.
Information on thousands of authors and their works including plot summaries, criticisms, biographies and more.
Literary Reference Source provides users with information on thousands of authors and their works across time and literary discipline. Access nearly 100,000 liteary criticism articles, 693,000+ book reviews, author biographies, interviews, short stories and poems.
Reference library of eBooks on novels, poetry, drama and other types of literature for students.
Literature Reference Library provides access to a number of full-text, literature related ebooks hosted by Gale. All titles can be read online and many allow users to download, share, link and print chapters.
Create a business plan with resources and guidance to assist the process.
LivePlan is a subscription business planning resource available to library customers, for a six-week time period. During this time, you will have access to all of the resources needed to create your business plan. At the end of the 6-week period, you can download your business plan for future reference.
At times, there may be a waiting list for access to LivePlan. In this case, the librarian will let you know when it will be available.
Before starting a business plan, it is recommended that customers develop a solid business concept, be able to describe their target customer(s) and do some basic industry research. If you need support to complete this research, please contact our business librarian at
To get started with LivePlan, please click Access Now button to provide the information in the Contact the Business Librarian form.
Download Ohio’s Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney forms with instructions.
Showing 21 of 184 total resources. Use the links below to navigate through each page.
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