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Online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction ebooks.
This resource for children in grades pre-K through 3 will help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills and introduce them to a world of knowledge and exploration. Award-winning fiction is paired with engaging nonfiction to help students become fluent, confident, and independent readers.
Find your favorite eBooks and eAudiobooks for kids.
Overdrive and Libby, Overdrive's library reading app, offer anytime, anywhere access to eBooks and audiobooks for kids.
Bring school projects to life with videos, first-person accounts, digital books, games, and more.
TrueFlix uses the award-winning True Books content to help students build literacy skills as they learn about a variety of subjects. Science and Social Science content comes alive through dynamic videos, interactive eBooks, engaging meaningful activities and project ideas that enhance the learning and teaching experience.
Animated, talking picture books that teach kids the joy of reading.
Tumblebooks features animated picture books with sound, music, and narration, so children can read or be read to.
Showing 4 of 4 total resources. Use the links below to navigate through each page.
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