Central Ohio Buildings

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An index to articles, books and visuals about historic Columbus buildings.
The Central Ohio Buildings Index contains abstracts of articles about historic buildings in Columbus from local newspapers, books in the Ohio Collection at Columbus Metropolitan Library, and the Circulating Visuals collection of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, which is now part of the Columbus in Historic Photographs collection.
Access to information about historic American newspapers.
Historical photos and documents relating to African American history in Columbus.
Digitized maps that highlight the changes and growth in Columbus and the state of Ohio.
The Columbus and Ohio Map Collection is a selection of cartographic material from the Columbus Metropolitan Library that highlights the changes and growth in the city of Columbus and the state of Ohio. The collection is a great source for researching properties and urban development in Columbus.
Get full-text coverage of the Columbus Dispatch from 1871 to the present.
Enjoy today’s edition of the Dispatch digitally, fully illustrated and formatted just like the print edition. Follow the link and select the option dated 2017-current, and in the ‘Image’ format.
Artifacts and documents relating to Columbus and Central Ohio history.
Preserves the stories, artifacts, images and heritage of the Jewish communities of Central Ohio.
Columbus Landmarks advocates for, promotes and preserves Columbus landmarks and neighborhoods.
Index of news articles of local interest from 1960-1997 and obituaries from 1931-1997.
Explore historical Columbus newspapers and search full-text through the Internet Archive.
Historical weather data for Columbus and beyond.
Searchable Columbus and Ohio high school and college yearbooks 39 years old or older.
The Columbus and Ohio Yearbook Collection is a collection of Columbus and Ohio yearbooks older than 39 years. The yearbooks are full-text searchable, making them a great source for school history and genealogy research. Check back regularly as this collection is still in progress.
Millions of primary source images, text and videos from across the United States.
Digitized documents, photographs and other items relating to United States history.
Access central Ohio’s digital history. Images, documents, maps and artifacts.
The Ohio History Connection, formerly Ohio Historical Society, serves as our State Archives.
Statewide resource for digitized photographs, manuscripts, newspapers and other items relating to Ohio history.
Get the tools you need to learn your home’s history.
A searchable interface for locating historical maps of Ohio towns and cities.
Includes over 40,000 detailed maps of Ohio cities drawn between 1882 and 1962. Each map includes detailed information regarding towns and buildings.
Special census records, military rosters, and other documents related to the state of Ohio.
Find articles, 2002 to present, from suburban Columbus newspapers.
Showing 21 of 21 total resources. Use the links below to navigate through each page.
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