World Book Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta

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An upper-level Spanish language database, intended for high school students through adult learners.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta is a comprehensive Spanish-language database designed for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and ESL/ELL program participants. It includes more than 140,000 articles, 8,000 web links to additional information, and 9,000 images, videos, animations, sounds, and interactive media.
A beginner’s Spanish language reference tool, offering editorial content, media, and engaging features in Spanish.
The ideal Spanish-language reference tool for those learning Spanish and Englsih language learners. Browse features provide visual prompts, and bilingual features allow students to toggle between Spanish and English text. The site includes concise articles, videos, maps, activities and more.
Showing 2 of 2 total resources. Use the links below to navigate through each page.
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