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Access World News

Access World News

Newspapers and other news sources from Ohio, the U.S. and around the world.

Access World News is a comprehensive resource that includes more than 8,000 news publications from nearly 200 countries worldwide. These sources include major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles. Access World News is updated daily and includes deep archives that provide background information on important topics.

African American Heritage

African American Heritage

Comprehensive mix of resources, records and tools geared toward African American genealogy.

Search essential historical records for African Americans, including Federal Census, vital records, marriage and cohabitation records, church records, legal records, military draft and service records, registers of slaves and free(d) persons of color, Freedman’s Bank, and more.

African-American History Online

African-American History Online

Explore African-American history and culture through images, biographies, primary sources, maps, graphs and timelines.

Covers more than 500 years of the African American experience. Read about key figures and events, examine famous speeches and other primary sources, and get context from in-depth timelines. You can start your topic investigation with a video or slideshow overview, then use the key content called out on the home page to explore a database.


All Data

Comprehensive database of car repair information. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY.

ALLDATA is an automotive diagnostic and repair database with repair information direct from the original manufacturer for accurate car repairs. This comprehensive resource provides a suite of products including specifications (mechanical, electrical, fluid types, pressure, vacuum, and temperature), service interval tables, diagnostic trouble codes, technical service bulletins and wiring diagrams.

America’s Obituaries – HeritageHub

America’s Obituaries – HeritageHub

Explore your family history with a collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices.

HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from 1704 – today in all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.

American & English Literature Collection

American & English Literature Collection

Full-text digital versions of works in American and English literature, including poetry, drama and prose.

Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry Library Edition

Search billions of records and discover your family’s story. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY

Ancestry is a leading tool for genealogy research. Search census data, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more in Ancestry’s online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and beyond.

AtoZ Food America

A to Z Food America

Find recipes and learn about historical food culture and cuisine from across the United States.

AtoZ World Culture

A to Z World Culture

Information on history, cultures, languages, foods, religions, sports and more from locales across the globe.

AtoZ World Food

A to Z World Food

Discover traditional recipes and learn about food culture for 174 countries around the world.

Biography in Context

Biography in Context

Over 600,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study.

Biography in Context is an easy-to-use tool for finding biographical articles on people based on occupation, role, or historical period. You can search based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text. Source materials include videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers.

Biography Reference Bank

Biography Reference Bank

Provides full-text articles, photographs and abstracts from today’s leading magazines and journals.

Assigned Resource Name Category(ies) Brief Description Brief Description Word Count Read More Description Cathy Access World News News, magazines & Journals Newspapers and other news sources from Ohio, the U.S. and around the world. 13 Access World News is a comprehensive resource that includes more than 8,000 news publications from nearly 200 countries worldwide. These sources include major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles. Access World News is updated daily and includes deep archives that provide background information on important topics. African American Heritage African American Local History & Genealogy, Genealogy & Obituaries Comprehensive mix of resources, records and tools geared toward African American genealogy. 12 Search essential historical records for African Americans, including Federal Census, vital records, marriage and cohabitation records, church records, legal records, military draft and service records, registers of slaves and free(d) persons of color, Freedman’s Bank, and more. African-American History Online African American Local History & Genealogy, School Help Tools Explore African American history and culture through images, biographies, primary sources, maps, graphs and timelines. 15 Covers more than 500 years of the African American experience. Read about key figures and events, examine famous speeches and other primary sources, and get context from in-depth timelines. You can start your topic investigation with a video or slideshow overview, then use the key content called out on the home page to explore a database. ALLDATA DIY & Hobbies Comprehensive database of car repair information. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY. 10 ALLDATA is an automotive diagnostic and repair database with repair information direct from the original manufacturer for accurate car repairs. This comprehensive resource provides a suite of products including specifications (mechanical, electrical, fluid types, pressure, vacuum, and temperature), service interval tables, diagnostic trouble codes, technical service bulletins and wiring diagrams. America's Obituaries and Death Notices Genealogy & Obituaries Large collection of newspaper obituaries and death notices from across the US. 12 America's Obituaries and Death Notices offers consolidated death records from news sources nationwide where you can quickly and easily locate family, friends and colleagues across the country. Search by affiliations like occupation, education, military service, sports, hobbies and more. American & English Literature Collection Literature & Reading, School Help Tools Full-text digital versions of works in American and English literature, including poetry, drama and prose. 15 Ancestry Library Edition African American Local History & Genealogy, Genealogy & Obituaries Search billions of records and discover your family's story. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY 13 Ancestry is a leading tool for genealogy research. Search census data, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more in Ancestry’s online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and beyond. AtoZ Food America History & Culture, DIY & Hobbies Find recipes and learn about historical food culture and cuisine from across the United States. 15 AtoZ World Culture History & Culture, School Help Tools Information on history, cultures, languages, foods, religions, sports and more from locales across the globe. 15 AtoZ World Food History & Culture, DIY & Hobbies Discover traditional recipes and learn about food culture in 174 countries around the world. 14 Best's Library Center Finance, Money & Consumer Reports and analysis on public and private insurance companies and groups. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY 15 Best's Library Center from A.M. Best features five years of financial analysis, detailed commentary and ratings on insurance companies, including information on their operating methods and management philosophy. Biography in Context Biographies, School Help Tools Over 600,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. 15 Biography in Context is an easy-to-use tool for finding biographical articles on people based on occupation, role, or historical period. You can search based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text. Source materials include videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers. Biography Reference Bank Biographies, School Help Tools Provides full-text articles, photographs and abstracts from today’s leading magazines and journals. 12 Search Biography Reference Bank for biographic information on individuals based on any combination of occupation, activity, gender, place of origin, birthday and lifespan. This resource is continuously supplemented with new biographies and updated versions of preexisting articles. BookFlix Ebooks & Digital Resources, Literature & Reading, School Help Tools Online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction ebooks. 12 This resource for children in grades pre-K through 3 will help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills and introduce them to a world of knowledge and exploration. Award-winning fiction is paired with engaging nonfiction to help students become fluent, confident, and independent readers. Business Entrepreneurship Business Comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business. 12 Business Entrepreneuership combines authoritative periodical and reference content, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, taxes, and more, to support prospective and current entrepreneurs as well as business students. Business Plan Builder Business A step-by-step online planning tool for starting, managing and optimizing a business or nonprofit. 14 Business Reference Library Business Reference library of eBooks on business plans, marketing, diversity, telecommuting, and the Who’s Buying series. 15 Business Source Premier Business Company and industry profiles, market research and full text articles. 10 Central Ohio Buildings Local History An index to articles, books and visuals about historic Columbus buildings. 11 The Central Ohio Buildings Index contains abstracts of articles about historic buildings in Columbus from local newspapers, books in the Ohio Collection at Columbus Metropolitan Library, and the Circulating Visuals collection of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, which is now part of the Columbus in Historic Photographs collection. Chilton Library DIY & Hobbies Digital auto repair manuals for thousands of vehicles. 8 Chilton Library offers vehicle maintenance, repair, and technical service bulletins for most years, makes, and models. This continually updated resource provides step-by-step service and repair procedures, wiring diagrams, maintenance and specification tables, troubleshooting guides and diagnostic trouble codes, photos, illustrations, diagrams and multimedia (videos and animations), and ASE test prep. Columbus African American Collection African American Local History & Genealogy, Local History, Genealogy & Obituaries Historical photos and documents relating to African American history in Columbus. 11 Columbus and Ohio Map Collection Local History Digitized maps that highlight the changes and growth in Columbus and the state of Ohio. 15 The Columbus and Ohio Map Collection is a selection of cartographic material from the Columbus Metropolitan Library that highlights the changes and growth in the city of Columbus and the state of Ohio. The collection is a great source for researching properties and urban development in Columbus.  Columbus Dispatch Digital African American Local History & Genealogy, Local History, Genealogy & Obituaries Get full-text coverage of the Columbus Dispatch from 1871 to the present. 12 Columbus News Index African American Local History & Genealogy, Local History, Genealogy & Obituaries Index of news articles of local interest from 1960-1997 and obituaries from 1931-1997. 13 Columbus Yearbook Collection African American Local History & Genealogy, Local History, Genealogy & Obituaries Searchable Columbus and Ohio high school and college yearbooks 39 years old or older. 14 The Columbus and Ohio Yearbook Collection is a collection of Columbus and Ohio yearbooks older than 39 years. The yearbooks are full-text searchable, making them a great source for school history and genealogy research. Check back regularly as this collection is still in progress. Consumer Health Complete Health & Medicine Fact sheets, images and full text articles on all areas of health and wellness. 14 Consumer Health Complete is designed to help users gain an overall understanding of key topics across the health and wellness spectrum — from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. Includes full-text journals, magazines, health reference books and evidence-based health reports. Consumer Reports Finance, Money & Consumer Ratings, reviews, recommendations and buying advice for thousands of products and services. 12 Creativebug DIY & Hobbies Expert video workshops and classes on painting, sewing, knitting and more for all skill levels. 15 With Creativebug you can stream thousands of art and craft classes taught by experts in each discipline as well as download patterns, templates, supply lists and recipes. CultureGrams History & Culture, School Help Tools Details daily life and culture, including history, customs and lifestyles for 200+ countries and territories. 15 Contains primary-source reports on over 200 countries and territories — including every United Nations member state — focusing on 25 cultural categories, including language, personal appearance, greetings, visiting, family, food and diet, life cycle, recreation, government, education, health and more. Eric DearReader Online Book Club Literature & Reading Read the latest books in your email with our Online Book Clubs. 12 Sign up to receive chapters from popular books in your daily email for free! Each weekday, participants will receive a portion of a book that takes only five minutes to read. You can read chapters from a wide variety of areas including fiction, nonfiction, romance, teen, business and mystery books. DemographicsNow Business Research consumer, demographic and marketing segmentation data, as well as residential and business records. 14 DemographicsNow is a marketing insight tool for users seeking detailed demographic data. It connects users with information on more than 24 million U.S. businesses and 206 million consumers. The resource utilizes Census data, consumer expenditures, retail spending, and specialized segmentation groups to create easy-to-use reports and maps. EBSCO eBook Collection eBooks & Digital Resources Access over 35,000 non-fiction eBooks. 5 Browse a curated collection of non-fiction titles covering a wide range of topics. EBSCO eBooks Collection allows users to read the full text of these titles online and provides users the ability to download, share and print portions of the books as well. EBSCOhost - Articles General Research & Encyclopedias Full-text articles or abstracts from thousands of magazines, newspapers and journals. 11 Search a robust collection of databases on a variety of topics with authoritative content for researchers of various ages and interests. Users can find academic, medical and professional journal articles as well as content from magazine and newspapers. Many articles provide full text with images, and can be printed, downloaded, or shared. Elementary in Context General Research & Encyclopedias, News, Magazines & Journals, School Help Tools Provides age-appropriate content on topics including animals, arts, geography, social studies, technology and more. 14 Search books, magazines, news articles, videos and more using this kid-friendly resource. Elementary in Context provides authoritative sources appropriate for elementary school students with an interface that makes research educational and fun. Encyclopedia of Associations Business Directory of associations, societies and nonprofit membership organizations in the US. 11 Find information on over 120,000 associations, societies and other nonprofit membership organizations at the national, regional, state and local level. Encyclopedia of Associations provides detailed information about organizations in the categories of legal, business, trade, educational, sports, fan clubs and many more. Explora for Primary Students General Research & Encyclopedias, News, Magazines & Journals, School Help Tools Student research tool for grades K through 5. 8 Explora Primary provides rich, reliable information for primary school student research and tools for educators. Search or browse a wide array of topics with high-quality articles, videos and more. Explora also features full-text translation in over 30 languages for many articles and text-to-speech for struggling readers. Explora for Public Libraries General Research & Encyclopedias, News, Magazines & Journals " Find articles, essays and primary source documents on a variety of topics with easy-to-browse categories." 14 Explora for Public Libraries provides access to reliable content from the popular magazines and research collections on thousands of topics to help you find information quickly and easily. Search or browse hundreds of professional journals, popular magazines, reference books, images, primary sources, and more by keyword or by topic. Explora for Secondary Students General Research & Encyclopedias, News, Magazines & Journals, School Help Tools Student research tool for grades 6 through 12. 8 Explora Secondary provides rich, reliable information for secondary school student research and tools for educators. Search or browse a wide array of topics with high-quality articles, videos and more. Explora also features full-text translation in over 30 languages for many articles and the ability to filter content for specific Lexile reading levels. Financial Information Inc. (FII) Online Finance, Money & Consumer Information on active and inactive stocks, including obsolete securities. IN LIBRARY USE ONLY. 13 FII Online provides users easy access to current and historical information on corporate activity affecting publicly traded stocks. Fold3 African American Local History & Genealogy, Genealogy and Obituries Discover your family’s past through millions of military and genealogical records. 11 Fold3 is a premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America’s military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents. It contains millions of records from world-class archives--many of which are exclusively available on Fold3. Foundation Directory Online Grants Information on over 92,000 foundations and 1.3 million grants. IN MAIN LIBRARY USE ONLY. 14 Foundation Directory Online helps grant-seekers find funding for their projects and ideas. Data is compiled from IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF, grantmaker websites, annual reports, printed application guidelines, the philanthropic press, and various other sources to give users a comprehensive look at potential sources of funding. Foundation Grants to Individuals Online Grants Find profiles of nearly 10,000 grantmakers that fund individuals. IN MAIN LIBRARY USE ONLY. 14 Foundation Grants to Individuals helps users find scholarships, fellowships, grants and other forms of financial support for students, artists, researchers and more. Search profiles of 10,000 grantmakers to find funding. Full Text eJournal List News, Magazines & Journals, General Research & Encyclopedias Locate which CML online resource contains the full-text publication you need. 11 Gale Literature Literature & Reading, School Help Tools Research authors and their literature through biographies, reviews, analysis and criticism. 11 Gale Literature combines several high-quality databases and an intuitive interface to help users find literary content. Search thousands of literary criticism articles, poems, biographies and more. Genealogy Collection African American Local History & Genealogy, Genealogy and Obituaries Records, photographs and other digitized items relating to Columbus and Ohio genealogy. 12 The Genealogy Collection contains materials that relate to Ohio and its citizens. Included are names of people who lived in Columbus and Ohio. Health and Medical Databases Health & Medicine Full-text articles or abstracts from a variety of medical journals and health publications. 13 Health and Medical Databases provides access to Alt HealthWatch, MEDLINE, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, and Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection databases through the EBSCOhost search interface. The resource also features a quick image search function and a medical dictionary. Health Reference Library Health & Medicine Reference library of eBooks on a wide variety of health and wellness topics. 13 Health Reference Library provides access to a number of full-text, health related ebooks hosted by Gale. All titles can be read online and many allow users to download, share, link and print chapters. HelpNow Online Courses & Tutoring, School Help Tools Online homework help, including tutoring, writing assistance and test prep. We recommend Chrome or Firefox. 15 HelpNow provides an impressive suite of resources and services to help students accomplish their schoolwork. Live online tutoring in a variety of subjects is available 2:00 - 11:00 PM each day and is available in Spanish for many subjects. The resource also provides lessons, videos, practice tests and more. HeritageQuest Genealogy & Obituaries, African American Local History & Genealogy Comprehensive mix of resources, records and tools geared to African American genealogy. 12 HeritageQuest is an award winning resource that allows users to search census records, books, serials, maps and other historical records to trace your genealogy. Records are included for 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s. History in Context - US History History & Culture, Local History, African American Local History & Genealogy, School Help Tools Reference and multimedia content, plus primary sources, about key events and people in U.S. history. 15 This resource utilizes millions of articles from periodicals and newspaperss, hundreas of thousands of topic and event overviews, biographies and robust mutimedia including images, videos, audio and weblinks to help support students of US history. History in Context - World History History & Culture, Genealogy & Obituaries, School Help Tools Reference and multimedia content, plus primary sources, about world history. 10 This resource provides access to centuries worth of rare primary sources, authoritative reference and multimedia content to help support students of World History. Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center DIYs & Hobbies Provides detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas for virtually every hobby enthusiast. 12 Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center provides full-text articles from leading hobby and craft magazines to satisfy hobby enthusiasts. Content Includes: Full text for nearly 2,000 magazines and books, 720+ videos, 180+ hobby profiles, and 10,000+ recipes. Home Improvement Reference Center DIYs & Hobbies Provides detailed “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects. 13 Home Improvement Reference Center features full-text content from leading home improvement magazines and videos of popular home repair projects. Content Includes: 130+ full-text reference books, 40+ full-text magazines and trade publications, 35,000+ images not available anywhere else online, and nearly 100 videos of popular home repair projects. Hoopla eBooks & Digital Resources Borrow free digital video, music, and audiobooks with your library card. 11 Hoopla is a digital content provider that allows users to access an enormous selection of comics, audiobooks, music, movies and televsion shows. Content is always available so there is no waiting to borrow items. Hoopla offers over a million titles and features content in 90 different languages. JobNow Online Courses & Tutoring, Job & Career Help Online job assistance, including professional resume review and interview preparation. We recommend Chrome or Firefox. 15 JobNow provides live job assistance daily from 2pm - 11pm. The resource also includes helpful features like career assessments, nationwide and local job search engines, and award-winning resume creator software. Kanopy eBooks & Digital Resources Stream classic cinema, indie films and documentaries. 7 Kanopy features over 30,000 movies and documentaries including the Criterion Collection, PBS, Green Planet and many more. View on your PC or use the Kanopy app on mobile devices or cast content via Chromecast, Apple TV or Roku. Kanopy also offers the Kanopy Kids collection for younger library users. LinkedIn Learning for Library Online Courses & Tutoring, Job & Career Help Access online courses from experts on business, web, job searching, photography and more. 13 Formerly, LinkedIn Learning for Library features 16,000+ professional courses from experts on a wide range of topics. Users can earn certificates which can be posted to their LinkedIn profiles for potential employers. Learn skills you need to succeed in your current role or take your first steps toward something new. Literary Reference Center Literature & Reading, School Help Tools Information on thousands of authors and their works including plot summaries, criticisms, biographies and more. 15 Literary Reference Center provides users with information on thousands of authors and their works across time and literary discipline. Access nearly 100,000 liteary criticism articles, 693,000+ book reviews, author biographies, interviews, short stories and poems. Literature Reference Library Literature & Reading, School Help Tools Reference library of eBooks on novels, poetry, drama and other types of literature for students. 15 Literature Reference Library provides access to a number of full-text, literature related ebooks hosted by Gale. All titles can be read online and many allow users to download, share, link and print chapters. Erica Mango Languages Language Learning Self-directed instruction for over 70 languages, including English for speakers of over 20 languages. 14 Mango Languages prepares learners for realistic conversations and communication in over 70 world languages. A blend of the right content at the right time, with intelligent algorithms and native-speaker audio, and powered by proven methodologies, Mango’s adaptive learning process evolves to your progress and unique learning behaviors, preparing you to start the conversation with confidence. MarketScope Advisor Finance, Money & Consumer Explore market commentary, news, investment research and analysis, including industry surveys and stock reports. 14 MarketScope Advisor from CFRA provides essential analytical tools that will help you stay on top of changes in the markets so you can make informed investment decisions, track strategies to maximize returns, and discover clear investment insights. Mergent Archives Business Historical business documents from Moody’s and Mergent manuals as far back as 1909. 13 Mergent Archives features a vast, indexed collection of more than a century’s worth of global corporate and industry related documents. This collection contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries. Mergent Intellect Business Complete company and industry profiles for thousands of U.S. and international businesses. 12 Mergent Intellect features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables users to generate insightful business intelligence. Mergent offers the opportunity to access private and public U.S. and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more. Mergent Key Business Ratios Business Dun & Bradstreet industry norms and business ratios for financial projections and analysis. 13 Mergent Key Business Ratios provides immediate online access to competitive benchmarking data. This powerful tool lets researchers examine industry benchmarks compiled from D&B®’s database of public and private companies, featuring 14 key business ratios (users choose a one-year or three-year set of ratios) for public and private companies in 800 lines of business. Morningstar Investment Research Center Finance, Money & Consumer Independently researched information on stocks, mutual funds, and ETPs, with portfolio analysis and financial news. 15 Morningstar Investment Research Center can help individuals reach their financial goals, whether they're seasoned investors or just starting out. It offers one of the industry's broadest securities databases, along with portfolio tracking and reporting capabilities and up-to-date financial news and insights. My History Local History, Genealogy & Obituaries, African American Local History & Genealogy Access central Ohio’s digital history. Images, documents, maps and artifacts. 10 Niche Academy General Research & Encyclopedias, Online Courses & Tutoring Take a tutorial to learn how to use our digital resources and research tools. 14 Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers Genealogy & Obituaries, News, Magazines & Journals Research events, culture and daily life in nineteenth century America through a variety of newspapers. 15 Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides an as-it-happened window on events, culture, and daily life in nineteenth-century America that is of interest to both professional and general researchers. With 1.8 million pages available, the collection features publications of all kinds, from the political party newspapers at the beginning of the nineteenth century to the mammoth dailies that shaped the nation at the century's end. Novelist Plus Guide to Fiction and Nonfiction Literature & Reading A comprehensive online readers’ advisory tool. 6 NoveList has been helping readers find their next favorite book for more than 25 years. Search by story elements, which include appeal terms, themes, and genres. Or explore a variety of articles, book discussion guides, or recommended reads lists. Nuwav Legal Documents Government, Law & Politics Solve common legal problems with this comprehensive library of legal documents, forms and letters. 14 Nuwav Legal Documents lets you create professional-quality documents in minutes. Simply search for the document specific to your situation, answer the questions in the web input form, and review and print your document. Julie Opposing Viewpoints in Context General Research & Encyclopedias; Government, Law, & Politics; School Help Tools Information exploring all sides of a wide variety of social issues. 11 Opposing Viewpoints explores all sides of today’s social issues. It includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more. Overdrive eBooks and Digital Resources Download free eBooks and eAudiobooks. 5 Overdrive and Libby, Overdrive's library reading app, offer anytime, anywhere access to eBooks and audiobooks. Overdrive Kids eBooks and Digital Resources; School Help Tools Find your favorite eBooks and eAudiobooks for kids. 7 Overdrive and Libby, Overdrive's library reading app, offer anytime, anywhere access to eBooks and audiobooks for kids. Overdrive Magazines News, Magazines, and Journals Read your favorite magazines, right on your desktop or device. 10 Overdrive and Libby, Overdrive's library reading app, offer anytime, anywhere access to digital magazines. Overdrive Teens eBooks and Digital Resources, School Help Tools Find your favorite eBooks and eAudiobooks for teens. 7 Overdrive and Libby, Overdrive's library reading app, offer anytime, anywhere access to eBooks and audiobooks for teens. Oxford English Dictionary General Research & Encyclopedias Provides the meaning and history of hundreds of thousands of words from the English language. 15 Oxford Research Encyclopedias General Research & Encyclopedias Comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries covering a variety of disciplines. 11 Points of View Reference Center General Research & Encyclopedias; Government, Law, & Politics; School Help Tools Multiple perspectives on current issues presented in overview essays and journal articles. 12 Points of View Reference Center is a full-text database that provides a series of comprehensive essays with point and counterpoint arguments related to current issues in the news. PressReader eBooks and Digital Resources; News, Magazines, and Journals Provides access to more than 7,000 newspapers and magazines, including the Columbus Dispatch. 13 Choose from a huge selection of newspapers and magazines on business, technology, news, science, design, sport, travel, and more. Reference Solutions Business; Job & Career Help Directory information for 11 million U.S. businesses and 120 million U.S. households. 12 Reference Solutions helps users search for jobs, research U.S. businesses, create marketing and small business plans, locate specific people and more. Researching House History in Columbus Local History Get the tools you need to learn your home's history. 10 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Local History; Genealogy and Obituaries A searchable interface for locating historical maps of Ohio towns and cities. 12 Includes over 40,000 detailed maps of Ohio cities drawn between 1882 and 1962. Each map includes detailed information regarding towns and buildings. Science Reference Center General Research & Encyclopedias; School Help Tools Provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos. 14 Science Reference Center allows users to conduct keyword searches or browse topics by branch of science. In addition to full-text periodicals, books, biographies, and essays, it includes science experiments, videos, and high-quality images. Small Business Reference Center Business Offers full text small business periodicals, eBooks, and industry and market research reports. 13 Small Business Reference Center offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. It includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans. Social Services Community Resources Links to social service assistance to the community in partnership with other organizations. 13 ThisWeek Community Newspapers Local History; News, Magazines, and Journals Find articles, 2002 to present, from suburban Columbus newspapers. 9 Transparent Language Online Language Learning Offers instruction on over 100 languages, including English for speakers of over 26 languages. 14 Create a language learning experience that meets your specific goals, whether that's beginner alphabet courses, professional-level lessons, skills-based practice, and beyond. TrueFlix Literature and Reading; eBooks and Digital Resources; School Help Tools Bring school projects to life with videos, first-person accounts, digital books, games, and more. 14 TrueFlix uses the award-winning True Books content to help students build literacy skills as they learn about a variety of subjects. Science and Social Science content comes alive through dynamic videos, interactive eBooks, engaging meaningful activities and project ideas that enhance the learning and teaching experience. TumbleBook Library Literature and Reading; eBooks and Digital Resources; School Help Tools Animated, talking picture books that teach kids the joy of reading. 11 Tumblebooks features animated picture books with sound, music, and narration, so children can read or be read to. US Newsstream News, Magazines, and Journals Full-text newspapers, including New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post & Chicago Tribune. 14 U.S. Newsstream enables users to search same-day U.S. news content, as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s. This collection delivers full-text news sources including The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and the Chicago Tribune. Value Line Research Center Finance, Money, and Consumer Investment research, including expert analysis, performance ratings and historical data. 10 Value Line Research Center is a complete, online investment research system that comprises all the financial information and analytical tools needed to structure a well-researched and diversified portfolio. Very Short Introductions General Research and Encyclopedias; Literature & Reading; School Help Tools; History & Culture Expert authors combine facts, analysis, & insights for concise introductions in a range of subjects. 15 Very Short Introductions provides the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. The series offers concise and original introductions to nearly 700 subjects, with more added monthly. World Book Advanced General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools Reference tool for eighth grade and up, providing articles, media, primary sources, eBooks and more. 15 World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool for high school students and adults. It includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases supplemented with online books, primary sources, website links, Back in Time articles, special reports and more. World Book Early World of Learning General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools A learning tool for preschoolers to explore independently or learn with an adult.  13 World Book Early Learning is designed for preschool students. It has tools and content that reinforce early childhood curriculum via short videos, read-aloud stories, printable activities, matching and tracing games, and more.  World Book Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos Spanish Language Resources; General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools A beginner’s Spanish language reference tool, offering editorial content, media, and engaging features in Spanish. 15 The ideal Spanish-language reference tool for those learning Spanish and Englsih language learners. Browse features provide visual prompts, and bilingual features allow students to toggle between Spanish and English text. The site includes concise articles, videos, maps, activities and more. World Book Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta Spanish Language Resources; General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools An upper-level Spanish language database, intended for high school students through adult learners. 13 Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta is a comprehensive Spanish-language database designed for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and ESL/ELL program participants. It includes more than 140,000 articles, 8,000 web links to additional information, and 9,000 images, videos, animations, sounds, and interactive media. World Book Kids General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools Thousands of easy-to-read articles developed especially for elementary-aged users. 9 An ideal learning resource for elementary-aged students designed to build confidence and encourage creativity with image-driven navigation and inquiry-based activities. The site features easy-to-read articles that can be read aloud or translated with a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.  World Book Student General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools Articles of the World Book Encyclopedia, a Biography Center, dictionary, atlas and much more. 14 Tailored for students in elementary and middle schools, Student includes all the articles from the print versions of the World Book Encyclopedia, plus thousands of additional articles, learning resources, and research tools. World Book Timelines General Research and Encyclopedias; School Help Tools; History & Culture Offers hundreds of timelines across eight broad topics, covering various time periods in history. 14 Offers hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media. World Book L'Encyclopédie Découverte General Research and Encyclopedias; French Language Resources; School Help Tools A dedicated French-language encyclopedia that contains easy-to-read articles, thousands of images and additional activities. 14 Perfect for native-speaking researchers, advanced bilingual, and ELL students, L'Encyclopédie Découverte has highly visual articles written in French at an easier reading level. NEW Weiss Financial Ratings Online Finance, Money & Consumer Financial ratings and planning tools covering insurance, Medicare, banks, credit unions, mutual funds, and stocks. 15 With Weiss Financial Ratings you can check the values and ratings of stocks, mutual funds and exchange traded funds, check ratings of banks, credit unions and insurance companies, compare Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, and download financial literacy & planning eBooks. NEW Scholastic Teachables Online Courses & Tutoring, School Help Tools Unlimited online access to classroom-tested printables and teaching materials. 9 Scholastic Teachables provides access to more than 30,000 resources for Pre-K - Grade 6. It includes activity sheets, lesson plans, and more, covering all subjects and themes.

Black Life in America

Black Life in America

Discover the experience and impact of African Americans in the news media, 1704 to today.

Black Life in America is packed with news and information on the Black American experience, history, culture, and daily life.



Online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction ebooks.

This resource for children in grades pre-K through 3 will help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills and introduce them to a world of knowledge and exploration. Award-winning fiction is paired with engaging nonfiction to help students become fluent, confident, and independent readers.

Business Reference Library

Business Reference Library

Reference library of eBooks on business plans, marketing, diversity, telecommuting, and the Who’s Buying series.

Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier

Company and industry profiles, market research and full text articles.

Central Ohio Buildings

Central Ohio Buildings

An index to articles, books and visuals about historic Columbus buildings.

The Central Ohio Buildings Index contains abstracts of articles about historic buildings in Columbus from local newspapers, books in the Ohio Collection at Columbus Metropolitan Library, and the Circulating Visuals collection of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, which is now part of the Columbus in Historic Photographs collection.

Chilton Library

Chilton Library

Digital auto repair manuals for thousands of vehicles.

Chilton Library offers vehicle maintenance, repair, and technical service bulletins for most years, makes, and models. This continually updated resource provides step-by-step service and repair procedures, wiring diagrams, maintenance and specification tables, troubleshooting guides and diagnostic trouble codes, photos, illustrations, diagrams and multimedia (videos and animations), and ASE test prep.

Columbus African American Collection

Columbus African American Collection

Historical photos and documents relating to African American history in Columbus.

Columbus and Ohio Map Collection

Columbus and Ohio Map Collection

Digitized maps that highlight the changes and growth in Columbus and the state of Ohio.

The Columbus and Ohio Map Collection is a selection of cartographic material from the Columbus Metropolitan Library that highlights the changes and growth in the city of Columbus and the state of Ohio. The collection is a great source for researching properties and urban development in Columbus.

Columbus Business First

Columbus Business First

The latest breaking business news in and around Columbus, updated throughout the day.

Showing 21 of 105 total resources. Use the links below to navigate through each page.